Film Distribution
Distribute your film and share it with everyone!
On the OIF YouTube Channel
OIF has a Youtube Channel with a playlist ( for films that screened at an OIF Screening. Anyone with rights to such a qualified film may submit it for placement in the Channel. Submission form below.
Some archived Films on the Channel may also be viewed on this site here,
On is a repository site for short films created and managed by the founders of OIF. Any film of up to 15 minutes in run-time is eligible for inclusion.
The website had previously been used to host films for remote OIF Contests during the stay-at-home COVID period. It is currently being re-purposed as a film-sharing site to house Independent Short Films. The site will be marketed to promote the visibility of these short films. Once a critical mass has been reached, we may plan on monetizing the site and create a revenue-sharing plan participants can opt into.
Re-launch is currently scheduled for Winter, 2024.
Recommendations to filmmakers submitting their productions:
- If your film is currently running the film festival circuit, do NOT submit it until that phase has ended.
- Remove any OIF Screening slates before submitting your film so they do not detract viewers.
For more information contact us.