Film Distribution

Distribute your film and share it with everyone!

On the OIF YouTube Channel

OIF has a Youtube Channel with a playlist ( for films that screened at an OIF Screening.  Anyone with rights to such a qualified film may submit it for placement in the Channel. Submission form below.

Some archived Films on the Channel may also be viewed on this site here,

On is a repository site for short films created and managed by the founders of OIF.  Any film of up to 15 minutes in run-time is eligible for inclusion.
The website had previously been used to host films for remote OIF Contests during the stay-at-home COVID period.  It is currently being re-purposed as a film-sharing site to house Independent Short Films.  The site will be marketed to promote the visibility of these short films.  Once a critical mass has been reached, we may plan on monetizing the site and create a revenue-sharing plan participants can opt into.

Re-launch is currently scheduled for Winter, 2024.

Recommendations to filmmakers submitting their productions:

  • If your film is currently running the film festival circuit, do NOT submit it until that phase has ended.
  • Remove any OIF Screening slates before submitting your film so they do not detract viewers.

    Film Submission Form

    Your Name (First and Last)

    Your Email

    Your City:

    Name of Film:

    , please add my film to the OIFstudios Youtube Channel

    , please post my film on

    Running Time in minutes and Seconds: :

    Genre (you may select multiple categories by holding down the Control Key):

    Release Year:

    Your Role in the Production:

    Film File on Remote Drive
    If download is password-protected, password:



    Additional Brief Notes:

    If this film has a web or social media page, please include that here:

    By submitting a video or film production, I confirm that I am authorized to submit same to OIF for distribution on any of its media Channels as well as promoting it elsewhere.

     (please check this box to accept and continue)

    The name of your production, your name and any other items you submit may be used by for promotional purposes.

    Your privacy is important. Your email address will not be shared with any party not affiliated with OIF or as necessary to help promote the production.

    For more information contact us.